Tuesday, April 20, 2010


A poem by Christopher:

I love my shoes, I love my socks
But what I mostly love is rocks!
Not in the north, or in the south
No, I shall put them in my mouth.
Tiny pebbles, round and small
I gobble them, they're such a ball!
Mommy knows I like to eat
These stones, they're such a tasty treat.

--C.J. Wogs

(Yes, Christopher did in fact ingest some pebbles this morning at Ernie Miller. It was more like he picked up the gravel from the path we were on, looked at it in his hands for a minute and thought, "Hmm, I wonder what these would taste like?" Fortunately I was quick enough to get most of the stones out, but I'm sure some of them made it into his digestive tract. Oh well, at least it was natural and organic... with no sugar!)

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