Ahhhhhh.... Today was one of those beautiful fall days when all you need is a light jacket or fleece and your two running feet, especially if you are Christopher. Although it was a bit blustery, we spent nearly 3 hours total outside today, some in the morning and more in the late afternoon. There is just so much for our little man to see and experience outside that he can't get enough of it! For example, he watched the men from the town working to fix the cracks in the road right in front of our house, and he even waved to them when we saw them later on our walk with Kasey. Then CJ got it in his mind that he wanted to torment a crow that landed on our neighbor's lawn. Fortunately for the crow, CJ's plans were foiled by Mommy! Later on in the day, we were playing in the backyard when Kay saw us and we went to her yard for a visit. Christopher was rearranging some of the rocks in her landscaping for much of our time there. But most of all, our little boy's favorite thing to do is run. Run, run, run... Not surprising considering the genes that make him up! Here are some more pictures from our outdoor romping:

And then here is as close as I can get to an action shot of Christopher running toward me, getting closer, closer, and closer still...

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