D is for Daddy... Christopher had a great time today playing with his Daddy while Mommy and Sierra went out for the afternoon. As you can see from the above picture, Daddy taught Christopher all of his letters while I was gone. When I got back, all I had to do was say, "CJ, which letter does Daddy start with?" and he showed me, just like that! Looks like Brian is in the wrong profession. He should have been a teacher! Anyway, the boys had fun together--I didn't ask if they got into any trouble (because I think I know the answer). Little man took a good nap in the afternoon and everything seemed in order upon my return... Speaking of my afternoon, I was out with another one of my "kids"--my little sister, Sierra. We went to Science City, a very cool hands on museum that is in Union Station in downtown KC. This was our third time there and we even got to the planetarium today. Here is a picture of Sierra riding a bike that is being balanced by a load of bricks along a tightrope...

The museum was great and Sierra and I reminisced on all the fun things we have done together over the years and were amazed that we are coming up on our third "sister" anniversary next month. Crazy! In other news today, Aunt Dabney would be very proud to know that we are using the baby food maker and cookbook to the max these days. After CJ went to bed tonight, I pureed some asparagus (which did not come out so well and therefore made a trip to the garbage can) and saved myself with pear puree and millet cereal. We will mix these two together tomorrow morning and see how little man likes it. I'm really having a blast making this food now for Christopher. It smells so much better than the jarred food and there are a lot of flavors that he can try that you can't get in the grocery store. Next up on the menu, pureed lamb chop with prune sauce, barley cereal, blueberries and cherries!
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