As if we didn't have enough fun yesterday morning at the Parkside Cafe, we later attended the third annual Jeff and Kay Christmas Party in the evening. Jeff and Kay are our neighbors who live behind us and they host a wonderful party every year. Kay decorates their house so beautifully every Christmas and they invite everyone on their cul-de-sac plus some of us on Sunset to enjoy the festivities. It was like heaven for our little boy, who got to stay up past his bedtime, because there were kids
everywhere! He had a blast hanging out in the "kids room" downstairs where there was a tree set up with a train set around it. He was enthralled as he watched the train go round and round the tree. The older kids loved that he was sitting with them too and they were all trying to get him to wave as it went by. Needless to say, all that fun made Christopher a very tired boy and we made it home just in time for him to eat and fall asleep... His first tooth is slowly but surely emerging (emphasis on the slowly). It must be bothering him because he will occasionally break down and start rubbing his cheeks and biting his fingers. But he is generally taking it well. He is also starting to sit up a bit. This is funny because he sits and leans forward with his hands next to his legs and balances himself for a bit. But every once in a while he'll tilt... tilt... tilt... and then boom, he crashes onto his side. Somehow, though, he ends up on his stomach and he is all smiles! Today we hit the trails again with the jogging stroller. It was slightly treacherous because of the leftover ice and snow so we took it very slowly. There was a point when I wish I brought my skates with me but the jogging stroller helped me keep my balance! All the bumping over the snow and ice put little man to sleep and we returned home after a run well done.
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