Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Mommy and Baby Yoga
Ommmmm...Ommmmmm... Simply bend your front leg to a 90 degree angle, place your 20 pound baby on your hip, extend your left arm out in front of you and relaaaahhaaaxxxx... (Go ahead Brian Reagan fans, you can laugh now). Christopher and I embarked on a new journey this morning at a little yoga studio not far from our humble abode. We joined six other mommies and babies for our very first "Mommy and Baby" yoga class. The ages of the babies ranged from 7 weeks to 8 months and it was very laid back and relaxing. You kind of just do some poses around your baby and then include them in other poses. So I did down dog right over Chris and then he got to do a "swinging baby" triangle pose. He really enjoyed this one! My favorite pose was the "happy baby" pose--picture Christopher lying on his back with his feet in the air, grabbing his toes--and then picture me doing it. Now I understand why he lays this way all the time! The best part for everyone was relaxation pose where we leaned back against a big cushy pillow, elevated our legs, held our babies and just, well, relaxed. I still feel pretty mellow from that one. Aahhhh... I do have to apologize for slacking off in the blogging department for the last couple days. Perhaps it is my old age kicking in, but more likely it was the gigantic pile of clothes on the floor waiting to be washed from our trip. We are currently preparing for our big New Years night out at Matt and Jaime's house tonight which, if we're lucky, Christopher will sleep through. (CJ's new year's resolution: "Learn to sleep when it's dark outside.") We are looking forward to this evening's soiree and wish everyone (especially those of you on the snowy east coast) a very happy and safe new year... Oh and here is a new picture of our two best buds...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Happy Traveler
Friday, December 19, 2008
Over the river...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Well, our poor boy has the sniffles and his parents are learning how to comfort a baby who is all stuffed up. Actually Christopher goes from having a stuffy nose to one that runs out of control and back again. We spent some of the morning locked in the bathroom with the shower running on hot to loosen him up a bit. He is handling it like a trooper and is pretty much smiling through it as usual but it is hard for him to breathe when he is sleeping, even in the car seat. I'm sure his recovery will go smoothly, especially when we board the germ infested plane on Saturday! Oh well, we have to build up his immune system sometime... I have escaped today and Chris is with a new babysitter for a few hours. I've made my second trip of the day to Starbucks before I go pick up Kasey and head home. I'll admit that it is nice to get out and usually I don't feel too bad about leaving, but today I really miss my little man especially with his little cold. Oh I guess I'll get over it. I actually got to run some errands that I've been putting off for weeks! Anyway, we'll be heading home soon to NY/NJ and we're all getting very excited!
Monday, December 15, 2008
How things change
Here he is blowing raspberries: his new favorite sound.
Look out Daddy. You have competition when it comes to push ups!
Chris with his new (yet used) toy, the Happy Apple! (And notice how much he is sitting up!)
Who said bubbles are only for the summer. We bought some at the store and had fun today!
He's even "reading" the cards people send him.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Saturday Morning Fun
This morning, Mommy and Daddy had to attend a baptism class at our local church so Christopher got to spend the morning with Dan, Mary, Tristan and their puppies. He had a wonderful morning watching Saturday morning cartoons (Beauty and the Beast--Tristan's favorite--to name one) and checking out all of Tristan's plush toys. We have a stuffed Christmas Snoopy but the one Tristan has is way cooler, what with its flashing lights and music. Being the awesome photographers that they are, Dan and Mary took great pics of Chris and then printed them out by the time we returned to pick our little man up. While he was there, Dan was helping to teach Chris how to crawl and walk... Speaking of that, yesterday I had Chris on his stomach for a while and he was turning and moving and for a brief moment, he pushed up onto all fours! Slow down! Not yet! Looks like we might have to babyproof the house sooner than we thought. He is also making all kinds of new sounds, one of which has become his favorite--he puckers his lips and blows raspberries. It's so funny because spit goes flying everywhere so he always has to have a bib on... Anyway, as usual, Christopher is Kasey's biggest fan and here is more proof...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Party Animal
Thursday, December 11, 2008
At the Parkside Cafe
After a quiet morning at home, Christopher and I headed over to the Parkside Cafe for some coffee and socialization. This place is really great because the playroom is always full of kids and moms who stay at home with them. You can literally go up to any mom and start a conversation that can last hours. Today, Jaime and Olivia met us over there and we talked with a couple other moms and swapped kid stories. Christopher and Olivia were busy looking at everything in the room while their moms were chatting away. I noticed Christopher making mental notes as he watched the big boys running around the room. One of them was standing on top of this play equipment in a way that the equipment most certainly was not designed for. I thought I heard Chris whisper "So that's what boys are supposed to do when they learn to walk, run and climb!" There were also these little barrels that went in the playhouse. I'm pretty sure they were supposed to be used as seats but as creative kids always do, these two boys were throwing them, Donkey Kong-style at each others heads. Ahhh, so this is what we have to look forward to! To distract our little boy, I put him down for tummy time and he focused on some constructive play. After our play group, we made our way to the UPS store to mail our Christmas presents to Grandma. We tried to find a box that would fit Christopher, but they said I couldn't ship him. (I'm just kidding, I promise!). Anyway, while I was paying for the box, Chris was talking up a storm and saying how excited he is to see and meet everyone back on the East Coast!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Down with Lil' Kasey Moe
I was just about to...
If I was going to write a book about motherhood, one of the chapter titles would most certainly be the title of this blog. I'm pretty sure every mom (or woman for that matter) will understand the feeling of just getting started with something when your child (husband or dog) asks you to do something or demands your attention immediately. You think to yourself, "I was just about to _________ (eat lunch, take a shower, update the blog... you fill in your own blank) when Christopher (or your child, husband or dog) _____________ (woke up, started crying, chewed up a book...again, you fill in the blank." Today, I had just put Christopher down for a morning nap and decided that I could most certainly get in my Power Yoga workout. I brought the monitor down just in case and began. About 30 minutes into the workout I noticed movement on the monitor screen and saw the dreaded red lights flash. "I was just about to move into triangle pose" when this happened. So I ran upstairs (another workout in itself!) and readjusted my boy and got him back to sleep. Now, it's back downstairs to resume yoga. Two minutes later, I'm running back up to put the pacifier back in Christopher's mouth. Long story short, this happened 3 more times before I said, "Forget it! Looks like we're doing yoga together this morning buddy!" And that's what we did. The moral of this story is: moms always need to be flexible.
P.S.--Exciting news! Yesterday I felt the tip of a tooth emerging from Christopher's lower gums. Today as I was changing his diaper, I pulled his lip down and actually saw the top of his lower right tooth popping through! So whoever guessed that the lower right tooth would be the first, reveal yourself!!!
P.S.--Exciting news! Yesterday I felt the tip of a tooth emerging from Christopher's lower gums. Today as I was changing his diaper, I pulled his lip down and actually saw the top of his lower right tooth popping through! So whoever guessed that the lower right tooth would be the first, reveal yourself!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Breakfast with Aunt Chrissie
Well, Christopher has been blessed with having VIP breakfasts lately. The other day it was Santa. This morning we made a trip to the Marriott to have a buffet breakfast with Chrissie who was in town for business. CJ has not seen her since he was 6 weeks old when she and Jason came to see us. Obviously, he has grown much bigger since then and Chrissie was getting a nice upper body workout by holding our big boy. Our visit was brief but wonderful as usual. Aunt Chrissie had to get to the airport to catch her flight back to Chicago. Hopefully she will be able to leave KC on time because it just started snowing here pretty hard. Everyone here is freaking out about the snow but in reality we'll only get a couple inches. On our way back from breakfast, Christopher started crying in the car but when we got home and I took him out of the car, he saw the snow and stopped right away! He just watched quietly as the white stuff fell in front of him. I can't wait until he'll be able to actually play in it!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
An afternoon with Sierra
Yesterday afternoon, after Christopher was well rested from his big morning with Santa, my little sister, Sierra, came over to play with our big boy. For those who don't know, I have been involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of KC and Sierra has been my little sister for over 2 1/2 years now. She has been so excited to see and play with Chris for a while now and yesterday she got her chance. Aside from cooking and art, one of Sierra's great loves is playing with babies! When Chris woke up, Sierra got the chance to feed him a bottle and he took it from her like a pro. After he was done, she read him a story about monsters and made him laugh by tickling his tummy. When we brought Sierra back to her house, she got to sit in the back with Chris and keep him company which he absolutely loved. It was a fun afternoon for both the big kid and the little kid! Today, we finally returned to church and figured we would go to the early service. Well, I guess it's been a while for me at least because I thought the service started at 9:30 when, in fact, it started at 9. Oh well, we made up for it by staying after for doughnuts. Chris slept through the whole service except he would stir every time the band started playing or people started clapping--then he would fall right back asleep... After church, we went to Babies R Us and picked out a cute little outfit for the baptism in a couple weeks. It was a busy morning for the family! Now we will veg and watch some football.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Breakfast with Santa
And then, of course, someone (with four legs, a fur coat, and a tail) was not happy that we went to see Santa without her so she took all of Daddy's sodas out and shook them up! I think she just wanted to be included on the blog today. Here is the evidence...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Baby it's cold outside
This morning, the temperature was about 20 degrees, 17 with the wind chill, and sunny. I know what you're thinking... perfect day for a run! Well, at least that's what I was thinking. I rounded up the Bionic 3 and bundled us all for the chilly weather: Christopher in his new fleece, Christmas Story-like snow suit from Grandma (see below); me in Brian's red running fleece; Kasey in her permanent and stylish fur coat. We folded up the jogging stroller and headed for the trail. I'll admit it was a bit frigid but Kasey and Christopher didn't seem to mind. Little man seemed content to observe everything through the all-weather shield and Kasey is never bothered by freezing temperatures. In fact, she scoffs at the dogs dressed in sweaters and booties. We went at a blistering pace (ha ha) and the stroller moved along the trail with ease. Even when we encountered a few big bumps, they didn't affect Christopher at all. My team of running companions went for 3 miles and then somehow we ended up at Starbucks for Mommy to get a well-deserved Peppermint Mocha. Later today we are off to Cabela's to finish our Christmas shopping (gee I wonder who we're shopping for there?). Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Off-Duty Mom
Today, Christopher got to spend an extended period of time with his favorite babysitter, Ruth. Ruth has been over with our little guy several times now and they always seem to have a great time together. She told me that he was laughing up a storm and although he didn't seem to want to take a long mid-day nap for her, he has currently been sleeping almost 2 hours. Where was I you want to know? Well, let's see... first I went to Starbucks and actually sat down with a book rather than rushing through the drive thru in the Mommy mobile. After an appointment, I met Brian down on the Plaza for lunch and then did a little Christmas shopping... kind of. After last week's trip to the mall, I am totally digging being able to buy non-maternity clothes. And finally, FINALLY, after more than a year, I returned to Ann Taylor Loft today and got a dress to wear to Christopher's baptism. As you can see from the picture above I also got stockings for us to hang from the mantle with care. I figure, we have a fireplace, might as well make it look festive. Finally my day was made complete with a trip to the dentist for a cleaning (how exciting!). I used to dread the dentist but going through childbirth really puts things in perspective and it didn't seem all that bad. As nice as it was to have a little time to myself today, I did miss my little Christopher and I am looking forward to when he gets up. But... we're not going to rush things.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Muscle boy
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Trouble with a capital K
I know this blog is supposed to be about our son but somehow our other "child" keeps trying to steel his thunder. We were out this morning meeting with a woman at church about Christopher's upcoming baptism and, therefore had to leave Kasey at home... alone... to do whatever she wanted. Well, yesterday I had placed several wrapped Christmas gifts from Grammy out under the tree to set up a little scene for Christopher's Xmas card picture (I will not be giving any previews; you'll all just have to wait until you get your cards.) Silly me thinking Kasey would leave these alone while we were out. Apparently, said dog just couldn't wait until the holidays to open everyone else's gifts. She especially wanted to know what Chris got, so thank you Grammy for the Tom Chapin CD. She also wanted to show our Santa Claus Snoopy who is top dog of this household. While no stuffing was spilled, it looks like Snoopy was tossed around a bit, for he was passed out on the rug with a black eye and some scratches. It looks like Kasey will be going to Pawz at Play tomorrow to work out some of her energy!
Monday, December 1, 2008
A Story By Kasey
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