Friday, July 25, 2008

Put me in coach

I think we have a new Yankees pitching prospect on our hands. He's a lefty out of Kansas with great aim (those of you with boys should know what I mean) and he's got youth on his side. He may only be 20 inches tall but his arm makes up for it. I don't know if the yanks can afford him though because his agent/father is demanding a very large salary. But can't you hear Bob Sheppard now? "Ladies and gentlemen, now pitching for the Yankees, number 24, Chris Woglom, number 24." Seriously when I feed Christopher It is so hard to keep his left arm still and out of the way. He must have been flexing in utero the whole time. Just look at the guns in this picture! You try holding them down while getting him to latch on! Speaking of that we visited a lactation consultant at the hospital yesterday who helped us improve our skills a bit and her suggestions were great. Chris is latching like a champ now. Hopefully he will return to his major beefcake at birth status by our first appointment with his doctor on Monday.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Great expectations. Ahhh a baseball player. Funny thing this week... one of my girlsfriends bought her daughter a Mets outfit for school sports day (it was on sale). She could not understand why her husband was visibly upset. Needless to say, she returned it and got another outfit. To qoute her " with someone named Jeter on the back" So cute I had to share. Thank you for sharing all the great stories and pictures. I really love it.