Lots of things are happening in our garden! In the spring, we put in some starter plants but there were other things we planted from seed. Above is a picture of one of the three corn stalks Chris planted from seed in his garden. This morning, we woke up to see that some corn silk has started sprouting which we assume will lead to corn cobs! Below is a cabbage plant that Chris planted the seed for...
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Garden Update
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
J's Words
Jonathan has been talking up a storm recently! He says a bunch of words and tries to say a bunch more. Here are some of my favorites...
"Cree" for Christopher
"Hockey" for Holly
"Kiki" for Kasey
There are some that need translation...
"Dabada" means yes
"Haggadee" means, well, we have no idea but he always smiles when he says it
And today he said "Elmo" for the first time!
"Cree" for Christopher
"Hockey" for Holly
"Kiki" for Kasey
There are some that need translation...
"Dabada" means yes
"Haggadee" means, well, we have no idea but he always smiles when he says it
And today he said "Elmo" for the first time!
Swim meet
No pictures or video from last night's meet but Chris did great! He swam five events so obviously he slept in until 6:30 this morning... He earned three ribbons last night--2nd place for freestyle, 5th place for backstroke and 2nd place for 100 yd. freestyle relay. The meets are long but it is really fun cheering for our boy!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Makers Faire
We went to the Kansas City Makers Faire this morning, where we saw all kinds of cool, creative and inventive things! Chris got to build, meet droids, operate a remote control robot, and much more. Jonathan's favorite part was the super-sized bubbles!
Fun with Clowns on a Tightrope
Last night, Brian and I went to a fundraiser and won a raffle prize that included a gift certificate to a toy store and a toy called the Balancing Jester. We set it up for the boys this morning and Jonathan thought it was very cool and very funny...
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Reading and Writing
So this summer I've been reading Moby Dick, the 670-something-page, this-is-going-to-take-you-all-summer version and Chris is fascinated by the characters when I tell him about it. I found a younger version that is more on Christopher's level and this is the first time I've seen him really want to curl up with a chapter book and just read for awhile! Also, he was inspired by our visit to the First Folio and is now writing his own play. It's called "Sharin and Rolmitoel." Here is the beginning...
Friday, June 24, 2016
Shakespeare's Folio
We took a trip downtown today to the beautiful Kansas City Library to check out Shakespeare's First Folio, which is on tour throughout the US. They had these great Shakespeare quotes that you could hold up for pictures so we picked appropriate ones for everyone!
Chris and Grammy also checked out an exhibit about Shakespearean time. Chris sat on the throne as King Christopher I--very regal!
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Go Waves!
The Woodside Waves had their first home swim meet tonight! Chris is in the above picture with a couple friends from school. And below... apparently it is the thing to do to write encouraging messages on your swimmer with sharpies!
And his butterfly...
He also swam in the backstroke and 100 meter freestyle relay (with all 8 year olds). He got a sixth place ribbon for butterfly and a second place ribbon for the relay. Way to go Chris!
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Saturday, June 18, 2016
It's Christmas in June! This past Christmas, we told Chris we would be getting him a desk for his room. Well, it finally happened! Our big guy got his very own space to work and he loves it!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Although Jonathan looks like he is asleep in this picture, he is just chilling out in one of the pool swings after getting soaked in the baby pool sprinklers. (He also looks like he has mile-long legs!). It was really hot at swim practice so we went to cool off with Leatha and Jack by the baby pool. Unfortunately I did not dress J in his swim suit but that didn't stop him from cooling off a little. Then he just got to swing a little in this big cushy chair. What a life!
In other news, Chris had his first competitive swim meet last night and his times in the freestyle and backstroke qualified him for the Mo-Kan League Championships in the novice division in July. Go Chris!
Kale Chips
Before it becomes a thousand degrees outside later, we spent the morning outside in our garden and picked some kale. We decided to make kale chips to snack on! Below is a picture of what they look like going into the oven (right) and when they are baked and ready to eat (left)!
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
With the exception of the bunnies eating most of my coneflowers and black-eyed susans, this gardening stuff is really fun! Christopher planted two sunflower seeds back in April and look at how tall they are now! Today we had his first sunflower starting to open up...
Sunday, June 12, 2016
We spent last week in Upstate New York with Grandpa T and Nancy. It was a great visit! As you can see from these first pictures, Chris and Grandpa went fishing three different days. They caught lots of fish and Chris got really good at casting and working the line.

We also had a chance to fire a semi-real bow and arrow at a target that Grandpa T set up for us.
Meanwhile, back at the house... Daddy pushed J on the swing... and pushed and pushed and pushed.
And then of course, the boys enjoyed all the dogs tremendously! And the dogs enjoyed a few belly rubs...
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Teeny Zucchini
Another harvest from our little vegetable garden today was a tiny zucchini. I wasn't really sure how big they were supposed to get but based on one that fell off this morning and started to rot a little, I picked this one while it was small. Then I fried it up, Grandpa Clyde-style, and we are about to enjoy them!
I've been meaning to put up this picture for awhile... The last week of Christopher's school, he brought home this puppet he made in art class out of felt, paper machee and several other materials. It is Gerald from the Piggy and Gerald books and the kids put on a puppet show their last day of class.
Garden Goings On
We have really been enjoying our vegetable garden since we've been back from Houston! The lettuce is growing like crazy so I've been making salads with just about every meal. And today we found an excellent use of our mint and peppermint--top it on vanilla ice cream and add some chocolate chips, yum!
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