We have just returned from a lovely visit to upstate New York where we spent a full week with Grandpa T, Nancy, and G.G. It was a busy and relaxing week all at the same time. Christopher even got to meet one of his step-cousins. Here he is with Luca, Nancy's grandson. Notice that Chris is making his "serious face." This was something we saw daily during our visit.
And here is Chris with Grandpa T, Dave and his son Luca...
The boys had a really fun time playing together but the real fun started when Grandpa let the dogs out! Here are Luca and CJ running around with Nadia and Maggie:
There is much to do and explore up in the country and Christopher explored everything he could. Grandpa found this old turkey nest while he was working in a field and CJ got to inspect it up close...
Some of the fun things we did while upstate included blueberry picking (wild blueberries, mind you, in a field that the little man had to hike to, trekking through brush and tall grasses), a visit to the Chenengo County Fair to see the 4-H animal exhibitions, swinging from trees, picking veggies from Grandpa's garden (including fresh zucchini and also Chris ate his first straight-from-the-ground carrot), dancing and much more. But sometimes it's the simple things that impress Christopher. Nancy and Grandpa have a slant board to help them stretch their backs and CJ found a new use for it. Jumping! Every day, he jumped and jumped and jumped some more. Here he is getting ready:
And then the big jump!
We also spent a lot of time with G.G. and even ate dinner in her dining hall. Chris received a few compliments on his behavior from her fellow residents.
Then there was the making of the pancakes! Chris was very excited to be using the blueberries that he picked himself to put in his breakfast. And as you can see, he takes his work very seriously.
Another fun thing we did was go to a park in Oneonta for one of their free summer concerts. This time it was a "50s Rock and Roll Band" although we have to use that term loosely. They played some good tunes though and Chris loved dancing with Grandpa and Nancy!
During the concert, Christopher took the initiative and made friends with a little boy named Mason, who was two. It was the first time I saw Chris actually go up to another kid that he didn't know and initiate a friendship. First he pet Mason's dog, then he wanted Mason to chase him and the two were off having a good old time! Later, the two boys joined some of the bigger kids at the foot of the stage for some dancing. Well, the lead singer played right along and gave the kids some hats and instruments and they sang "Don't Worry Be Happy" for them to play along with. Here is Chris in his hat:

Aside from these children, much of the audience was elderly, with some of them being from G.G's apartment complex. The next day we found out that some of the residents who had seen Chris at dinner, recognized him at the concert and said they got a kick out of his dance moves. Anyway, it was a wonderful trip and as usual, it was great to have Chris spend time with the Turick side of the family. Here is one last picture. It is of four generations of Turick's altogether...