... certainly melted away during the past ten days. The Kansas Wogloms ventured out to the east coast to spend time with our families and we had a fabulous trip! It was so much fun that it will warrant several entries on the blog. Plus we've already been so busy since returning that I will have to backtrack and play catch up as the week goes on. First of all, there were many highlights to our trip back to NY/NJ. Chris was very excited for
yet another trip on a plane and received several compliments for his outstanding plane behavior from other passengers. (It helped that we got upgraded to first class on the way to NY!). When I told Chris where we were going, he would say "New York, New York." But when I asked him to say New Jersey, guess what his response was? "NO!" Don't worry, I'll set him straight eventually... We spent some time with Christopher's paternal grandparents and he got to meet his brand new cousins! It was hard to get a picture of the triplets with Christopher so here are some pics of the
adorable bundles of joy--Poppy, Elsie, and Bennett:

Aren't they wonderful!!! And then, of course, there is Otis...

That is how Otis enjoyed the World Cup soccer game when we visited. Anyway, Chris had a great time with his new cousins and his grandparents. This trip, he grew especially attached to his grandfathers and referred to both of them as "Pa," always asking where they were. Here he is with Grandpa Eric:

Later in the week we went to Grandpa T's house so here they are too:

As you can see, Grandpa T plays the accordian. He was trying to play Chris a song and the little man just wanted to join in. For a boy who loves to press buttons, an accordian is like a dream! While we were upstate, Christopher also got to spend time with GiGi, his great grandmother. Here he is giving her a hug:

And of course, Nancy and Grandpa T always have an abundance of
New York Times hanging around the house. Chris decided to catch up on his current events:

One of Christopher's favorite parts of being at Grandpa T's house was the dogs! Grandpa has named one of the dogs for our little man. Her official AKC name is "CJ's Nadia." Christopher spent much of the week playing with her and would not stop saying "Nadia" the whole time! The two of them got along great and both got adequate exercise chasing each other around.

It also happened to be Grammy's birthday while we were home. Her house looks fabulous after being redone and she had a very fun party to celebrate both her home and her birthday. Chris got to spend some time with his old friends Ally and Julia. I'm going to do an "earlier" and "present" picture so you can see how much they've all changed.

In a later entry, I will show you some video of our trip including great footage of the amazing park on the East River where the triplets will someday swing away while looking at the Brooklyn Bridge and downtown... ahhh...