This video was shot in the car after some serious playtime at Matt Ross Community Center today. Don't worry, we were not driving while filming! Yay Flip camera!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Another smiley day
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Video Test
We have a new Flip video camera and we're testing it out with our laptop. The video is not of the highest quality but we're giving it a try to see if it works...
Here is how to play the game "GO!" (developed by C.J. Woglom):
STEP 1: Gather all available parents and dogs.
STEP 2: Make sure you have ample room to run at blazing speeds.
STEP 3: Hold arm up in the air, pointing your finger in the direction you want to GO!
STEP 4: Shout "GO!" as loud as possible and run run run, being sure to get parents and dogs to follow you.
STEP 5: Repeat as many times as possible, even if parents drop to the floor from exhaustion.
Variation: If you wear out your parents, grab old yet still cute bears, place them in a wagon and repeat steps 2 through 5.

Note: CJ is currently in negotiations with Nintendo to develop the Wii version of GO! Stay tuned for details.
STEP 1: Gather all available parents and dogs.
STEP 2: Make sure you have ample room to run at blazing speeds.
STEP 3: Hold arm up in the air, pointing your finger in the direction you want to GO!
STEP 4: Shout "GO!" as loud as possible and run run run, being sure to get parents and dogs to follow you.
STEP 5: Repeat as many times as possible, even if parents drop to the floor from exhaustion.
Variation: If you wear out your parents, grab old yet still cute bears, place them in a wagon and repeat steps 2 through 5.
Note: CJ is currently in negotiations with Nintendo to develop the Wii version of GO! Stay tuned for details.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Block Fest
Thursday, March 25, 2010
"Hello, my name is Christopher... and I am a trainaholic."
Our boy loves trains. It's as simple as that. Apparently, this is a common phenomenon among the male toddler set and it holds true in the Woglom household. I don't really know how it started, but one day we put on "Thomas the Train" and the rest is history. Now, every time Chris sees a train, hears a train, or thinks about a train, he smiles.
More than anything, though, Christopher loves Thomas the Tank Engine. Thomas is a train character who lives on the island of Sodor and is very busy working with his other train friends like Percy, Gordon, and Henry. Anyway, it's a very cute show and has spawned an empire of related materials such as books, videos, and train sets. Being the suckers we are, Christopher now owns three books, a set of DVDs, and a figure eight train track complete with Thomas and two train cars. We got the tracks on Monday and he hasn't stopped playing with them since.
Somehow, the 6th Avenue Local ended up on the island of Sodor. Perhaps they were trying to revitalize their downtown.
Friday, March 19, 2010
A Conversation
Mommy: Christopher, who do you have money on tonight? (Referring to March Madness starting).
Christopher: Me!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Spring break
Ahhhh, they are so talented. It's so cute to see the two of them say hi and bye to each other now. Chris had a blast playing with Olivia's toys and visiting with her cats. Unlike Christopher, Olivia loves wearing hats. She is pictured below in her snazzy Dora the Explorer cap.
Throughout all of this, Kasey is on her eternal spring break as well and found herself a nice little patch of sunshine in the dining room to work on her tan.
P.S.--The Duren-Lubanski clan might recognize CJ's St. Patrick's Day shirt in the pictures where he is with Olivia. It's being handed down through the generations ladies!
Monday, March 15, 2010
For laughs...
Dear Christopher,
I would like to apologize in advance for any future embarrassment this video might cause you. However, it is just too stinkin' cute not to share with all of our followers! I promise to remove it from the blog (if you want, of course) when you are old enough to care.
I would like to apologize in advance for any future embarrassment this video might cause you. However, it is just too stinkin' cute not to share with all of our followers! I promise to remove it from the blog (if you want, of course) when you are old enough to care.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Pet World
I regret to say that I do not have any pictures to go along with our morning adventure so I will do my best to describe the experience... First of all, Christopher is pretty much done with his morning nap and this has resulted in fewer blog entries on my part. By the time he goes down for his afternoon nap, I either workout, shower and read or get things done around the house. And after a full morning of Christopher-ness, I sometimes don't feel like writing about the boy, as wonderful as he is. But I digress... Since Chris is done with his morning nap, we took a trip out to Lawrence to visit Pet World, a super cool fish and small pet store that Daddy located in his search for the perfect tank. Anyway, this place was like heaven for little CJ and when we entered the door, he booked for the fish tanks in the back. (Like father, like son!). There were tanks everywhere and one in particular caught Christopher's attention. It was full of rainbow fish and looked just like our tank downstairs. The whole time we were there, CJ kept going back to this tank and saying "Dad, Dad" as if to say "Dad, check this tank out!" Aside from the fish, this store had several enormous tortoises and there was a set of stairs and a kind of observation deck for kids to go on to get a better look. Chris liked this but he was more interested in climbing up and down the stairs than checking out the tortoises. He enjoyed the large red macaw and said hi to him. Then he had a chance to pet a small rabbit that I held (no we didn't bring Kasey). We also saw some snakes, tree frogs, lizards, bearded dragons, gerbils, and guinea pigs. And to top it all off, Chris nearly walked out with a tarantula! (It was in a small container, perfect for little hands). He also observed the Burmese python with interest, but I had to say "no" to that one, although it might make a good play toy for Kasey. Anyway, it was a fun morning and we all got our exercise chasing Chris around the store for 45 minutes. If they're hiring, we might have little buds fill out an application. It's time he started earning his keep around here.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Oh what busy days!
Next we traveled to Fritz's for an early lunch. We were the first ones there! After our experience waiting last weekend, we wanted to make sure we got there before the crowd. At first, we were worried that there wouldn't be enough trains to keep Christopher interested but the place filled up quickly and he enjoyed a nice hour long lunch. All this activity made at least three of us very sleepy (not Daddy though!) and Chris ended up napping for 3 1/2 hours. When he woke up, Grandpa gave him a nice snack to fuel up for some serious playing at the park.
We visited the park next to the train tracks which was great because we saw two freight trains while we were there. Grandpa counted the cars and said that one had 135 cars while the other had 128! Chris was very happy to climb up the stairs (he just walks right up now holding the handle) and go down the slide... until the other kids got there of course! Sigh... Chris decided that he wanted to race us on the trail so we went for quite a walk/run. One day I think I am just going to let him run and see how far he will go on the trail. My guess is at least four miles at a 7:30 pace. Anyway, we had a lovely time playing outside (finally!!!) and came home for some dinner, more playing, and bedtime. Oh and P.S.-- Christopher is saying like 5 new words a day if not more. I can't believe the things he is coming up with! I guess we really need to watch what we say now, don't we?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Daily Smile
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