When we go inside, Christopher (multisport athlete that he is) works on strengthening his throwing arm. Sorry Daddy but it looks like he will be throwing with his right arm after all. We're not quite sure which sport he was training for this morning (baseball or football, possibly javelin throwing), but judging by the stance he is in, I would go with football. Can you say Christopher Manning?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
All in a morning's work
When we go inside, Christopher (multisport athlete that he is) works on strengthening his throwing arm. Sorry Daddy but it looks like he will be throwing with his right arm after all. We're not quite sure which sport he was training for this morning (baseball or football, possibly javelin throwing), but judging by the stance he is in, I would go with football. Can you say Christopher Manning?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Back to normal
The best, though, was when Christopher saw the ducks. He says a good number of sounds and several words but his favorite sound is "K." Well, when he saw the ducks today, he said "Kak, kak, kak."
Friday, September 25, 2009
Places to go, people to see
Christopher also found this really cool hippopotamus that he decided to give a dental checkup to.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Our Ironman
After one of the fullest days of both Brian and Christopher's lives, Christopher is proud to say that his daddy finished his first half ironman today! That's right, 70.3 miles of swimming, biking and running that almost didn't happen due to the torrential downpour first thing this morning. More on that shortly... First, we all woke up rather early to prepare for the big day. Although Christopher is an early riser, 5AM is still a bit much for him. However, every time we wake him that early it is usually to do something fun so he didn't seem to mind. When we got to the transition area, Christopher began his own mini ironman and ran back and forth just about 50 times. When he decided to take a break, we managed to get a picture of him with Daddy:
Speaking of the sun, Brian did become an official "Redman" after the sun finally decided to make an appearance and leave its mark on our triathlete. It was a truly inspiring and exhausting day for all of us and we are so so so proud of Brian's accomplishment!
I finished!!!
Just a quick update (from Brian). I know there were some issues with the online results, but I wanted everyone to know that I finished. There was a lot of rain (causing a delay), more walking than I had hoped, and plenty of pain. Not sure of my exact final time, but it was around 6:39. We'll try to update more later.
Friday, September 18, 2009
A trip to the zoo
Hello from the Oklahoma City Zoo! This morning, after sleeping in until 7AM and having a hearty breakfast at the hotel restaurant, Christopher was ready to venture out into OKC to see the sights. While Daddy was resting up at the hotel for his big race, we went to see the lions, tigers and bears (oh my!). Let me begin by saying that at the rate Chris is going, he is definitely going to have a job in the future that has to do with animals--perhaps a zoologist or a veterinarian. The boy is happy, no, ecstatic around animals! I think he laughed almost the entire time we were at the zoo. His favorites by far were the sea lion (who was playing peek-a-boo with our little man) and the orangatan who was hanging upside down in the window and knocking on the glass. But CJ is definitely his father's son--he absolutely loved the acquatic center and really didn't want to leave. After seeing so many animals, we decided to take a ride on both the carousel and the train. We had a very fun morning and even decided to forgo a morning nap because we had more important things to do. Here are some more pics from our trip:
And what trip would be complete without a little fun on the swing?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Made it!
After five hours of prairie grass, cows, and a whole lot of flat, we have arrived in Oklahoma "City," Oklahoma. I put "city" in parenthesis because I've yet to see anything other than a whole lot of strip malls and chain restaurants. Perhaps we just haven't seen the actual downtown yet... The trip went well with Christopher sleeping for about 1 and 1/2 hours (not as long as expected) and fussing a bit, albeit only when I was sitting in the back with him. Once we got everything checked in at the hotel, we had to search for a quick dinner. Although Brian suggested Hooters because of its close proximity (just kidding! just kidding!) we ended up at On the Border, eating the world's fastest sit down dinner as it was well past CJ's bedtime... It is exciting to be here (really!) because you see a ton of cars with bike racks on the back and stickers proclaiming their racing accomplishments (70.3, 140.6, or simply "run."). Plus we are once again in a state we never thought we'd be in (and one of only 3 states my Grandpa Clyde never went to). We have no idea what tomorrow will bring other than Brian needs to get himself checked in at the expo in the afternoon. CJ and I may go exploring at some point because there is only so much you can do at the Crown Plaza hotel in OKC. Sweet dreams!
Road trip!
The Kansas chapter of the Wogloms will be departing in a few hours for our first midwest road trip since the birth of our little man. We will shortly be on our way to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for Brian's big race! That's right, on Saturday, Brian will be racing in his first half ironman (the Redman!) which, for those of you not familiar with triathlon distances, consists of a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and a 13.1 mile run. Christopher and I will be attending as the support staff for our lead triathlete and we will also be cheering hard for all the other KC Multisport athletes as our local group competes in the club championships at Redman. If you are interested, you can track Brian online Saturday as he races. Just go to the website www.redmantriathlon.com and look for a link that says "athlete tracker." You might be able to either plug in his name or his bib number, which is 571. We're hoping to update the blog while we are there so check back for more stories!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Dog Rules
Ho hum, here I am again waiting at the top of the stairs for someone to come pay attention to me. Anyway, I wanted to share my new favorite song with you all by Tom Chapin that pretty much explains my life. If you can't open it, I apologize in advance. My paws are still trying to figure out this computer thing. P.S. you might need to copy and paste the link below into a new address bar.
Also, check out the comparison between these two pictures. I think the first one was taken last November...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Mall rats
What to do on a rainy afternoon in Kansas when you've been trapped inside with a walking machine named Christopher... hmmmm... Eureka! You do what every good girl from Jersey does--go to the mall! That's right, upon returning from my afternoon out, with Kristen watching Little Buds, I found him awake and eating his snack. The clock said 4PM and all I could think was, "Man, if we have to stay in this house until 7PM (aka, "bedtime), I am going to go crazy." So we packed ourselves up and headed to the Oak Park Mall. We weren't really going to shop, mind you. First, we headed to this little enclosed play area where kids can run around and be crazy. Sounds great right? Well, apparently it's not enclosed enough because after CJ got comfortable, he headed for the exit. He was not running away from me (I don't think!); he was going for the adjacent carousel. Fair enough, I thought, let's go! Christopher got to ride one of the horses that goes up and down just like a big kid. He was even so cool, he held on with one hand (I of course held onto him with two hands). After our ride, we headed to the kids section of Barnes and Noble to play with the train set and check out the books. Chris was fixated on "Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear" and asked me to read it at least 4 times. Once our reading was done, we traversed the mall back to the car. I have to say, after walking past and through many stores, that I will finally be ahead of the fashion curve this season as everything is purple. That's right, purple is the color this year and I am now in style! At least 85% of my wardrobe is some shade of purple so I am covered. Now if I can only get Brian to wear that fabulous color...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A belated birthday gift
So we finally got around to buying Christopher his first birthday present from Mommy and Daddy. Yes, the scrapbook was our sentimental gift, but he will probably not get to enjoy that until he is a bit older. I do not expect a thank you note from our little man for this gift. However, I do expect a thank you note from Fisher Price for our part in keeping them in business during these challenging economic times. This little house (the front of which you are looking at in this picture) is yet another example of the genius that is Fisher Price. We have other toys from them including Christopher's original bouncy seat, the Playful Puppy, his bike from Grandma and Grandpa Woglom, the car garage from Dan and Mary, the glowing seahorse, the "borrowed from Olivia" zoo, and even the CD that we play 3 times a day for rest times. I have to say that this house is by far the most fun toy that we have acquired to date. It's got shape sorters, a talking mailbox, rolling house numbers, a ticking clock, a house radio, a mega light switch, etc. etc. It is battery operated so when he opens the door it creaks and says "open!" and when he rings the doorbell, it has a very fancy ring. The house even comes with a doggie dish that has bones in it (how did they know!?!?!). It has officially become our "when in doubt" toy, as in "when there is nothing else that will settle Christopher down or keep him entertained, bring him to the house! I love Fisher Price! Senor Buds has also been practicing getting in and out of his chair and he is quite the perfectionist (hmmm, I wonder where he gets that from). He will get in and out of the chair over and over again until it becomes second nature to him.
Shout outs: And now a new and special section of the blog I like to refer to as "shout outs." Good luck to all my grown up and kid friends starting school this week! You are all growing up so fast! Congratulations to my cousin Mary Jane for completing the Disneyland Half Marathon. Woohoo! Liz, the check is in the mail. :) Yay Michigan for stating the season off with a win. Go blue! Daddy we miss you and we're sorry you have to go to the home of the Red Sox for three days.
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Can you feel it? Do you smell the burgers on the grill? Can you hear those Ohio State fans boasting about how they're going to "win" again this year? Well, our little Christopher can feel all of these things and more. You might recall that CJ would be enthralled last year anytime football came on the television. For some reason, this sport, more than others, would capture his attention and make him very happy. Yesterday, we happened to be downstairs while Daddy had on ESPN and little buds was watching preseason football highlights and laughing. I said, "Christopher, do you just love football?" As if on cue, he said "Yeah." I don't know if he really meant to say it, but it was hilarious and perfect timing. Summer is officially over now that college football has begun.
Update: It appears that my little illness from last week was not food poisoning but was, in fact, a stomach bug. Christopher got sick all over his crib on Thursday morning and poor Daddy was very ill all yesterday (hence the 12 hour ESPN-fest). Chris recovered quickly and Daddy is still working on it today, but he is doing much better than yesterday. Wash your hands, people!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Start 'em young
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