And briefly, squash was a success today. Using a spoon... not so much...
Friday, January 30, 2009
And briefly, squash was a success today. Using a spoon... not so much...
Don't Leave Me!!!
It appears that our little guy is going through a little bout of separation anxiety. I started to notice it a bit last week. Many times when I would put him down on the floor to play with some toys and then go into the kitchen, he would fuss the second I started to walk away. This past week, he started to fuss even if I would sit him in front of me to practice rolling the ball back and forth. Last night we started our first round of nighttime separation anxiety. I should have known that the bedtime routine went way too smoothly. Christopher was in bed before Daddy got home from the gym and he went to sleep without a peep. I breathed my usual evening sigh of relief and went out to make dinner. 45 minutes later he was screaming from the nursery. Long story short, after multiple trips in to help him settle down, we realized he would settle down as long as we were there but the second we even took our hand away from him, he would flip out. We read some things about this online and realized that this tends to happen between 6 and 9 months because that is when babies begin to realize that you are a separate person from them and, therefore, you can leave. Their fear of course is that you'll never come back, so the best thing to do is to go in and reassure them you are there and leave quickly. Eventually they will realize that you will come back, even when you are not in the room. So that's what we did until we went to bed. It worked pretty well and our man got a decent night's sleep, although this 5 AM wake up thing has got to go! Knock on wood, he doesn't have stranger anxiety yet but I'm sure that will come down the road eventually.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Y Chromosome
Ah, teeth... Why do they have to be so uncomfortable for our little man? I feel like he's been teething for at least 2/3 of his life and these two teeth that are emerging from his top gums are literally driving him insane! I have often heard from other mothers about the trials and tribulations of teething and I certainly understand what they are talking about. But it seems like Christopher really has issues dealing with any sort of discomfort. A wise woman told me, not too long ago, that he can't handle the pain because he is a man. (Sorry guys, but it's true. That's why we are the ones who give birth!). I'm beginning to see the validity of this statement. Many of our readers have mentioned how happy Christopher always looks in the pictures I put on the blog and 90% of the time, he is very happy. But I wish I could have taken a picture of him at 3 o'clock this morning when he was screaming from the discomfort of these two teeth. Well, I don't actually wish I could have taken a picture of that, but the poor boy was having a really rough time dealing with those pearly whites. Ah, the Y chromosome!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Batton down the hatches!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Yay Sweet Potatoes!
We have officially moved onto our second solid food with Christopher. I have been told by many experienced mothers that sweet potatoes are a good vegetable to start with so I decided to give it a try. In my efforts to really play up the wonderful quality of vegetables (and to make sure the potatoes were not too hot), I took the first bite of this wonderfully prepared baby food. I then made a huge deal out of how fabulous the sweet potatoes were, comparing them to a steak at Peter Luger's. Once Christopher heard this, he was ready to chow down... and he loved what he tasted! In fact, when we were done with the bowl, he got fussy and reached for the spoon, demanding more grub. Now, this food was out of the jar but now that I know our little man likes sweet potatoes, I might make them the first puree to be concocted in our new baby food maker. We'll see if Mommy can cook like Beechnut... By the way, Kasey has begun to lurk under Christopher's high chair when he is eating. I think she remembers from her experience with Tristan that someday, goodies might drop from above!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
4AM CJ? Really?
The good news... Christopher has now mastered rolling from back to front. The bad news... he has mastered it by practicing at four o'clock in the morning. Our boy went from sleeping the other night for ten and a half hours straight (without a peep, I might add) to sleeping last night for a while until he woke up on his tummy with his head up, not quite sure what to do with himself. We've gone in a couple times to return him to his back where he now is just "chillin'" if that is possible this early in the morning. In addition to this whole flipping thing, he has also rotated completely around in his crib and is just making noises and rolling from side to side. I guess he does have my crazy genes... you know, the ones that used to (emphasis on "used to") get me up at 4:30 to run 8 miles before work. Christopher, too, likes to do his workouts early in the morning. Well, I'm being stubborn and not getting him out of bed yet. Sorry kiddo but it's just too early for you to be up. Mommy is going to read the Times for a little while.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thursday Thoughts
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Little Drummer Boy
Even with the fabulous, colorful toys that come with all the bells and whistles, Christopher is maintaining a children's tradition and playing with stuff that isn't sold at Babies R' Us. Everyone knows that when kids open gifts, the best part is often the box that the gift comes in. The same idea holds true for everyday kitchen items as well. There is nothing like busting out a rhythm on a metal colander with a wooden spoon, as Chris is attempting to do in this picture. This does take a bit of advanced hand-eye coordination which led to some frustration on little man's part. But it doesn't phase him too much and he just then tries to eat the wooden spoon rather than drum with it! I've also been trying to teach Christopher to roll a ball and while he sometimes accidentally does it, he isn't quite sure how to purposely make it happen. He does pick up the ball equally with the left hand and the right hand. Time will tell which hand he is actually going to throw with! Here he is eating the "drumstick" and playing with the ball...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
6 Month Doctor Visit
We had Christopher's 6 month appointment today and here are the official numbers:
Height: 27 1/4 inches
Weight: 19.8 lbs.
Head Circumference: 17 1/4 inches
Our little man also got his first round of shots today. Because Mommy is picky about immunizations, Chris had to get four shots instead of just three. (There was a combo shot that had a vaccination that Chris is not going to get that would have made it three shots.) Anyway, I think the nurses were more nervous about giving him the four shots than I was! Each nurse took a leg and gave him two shots in each leg. Meanwhile, I was holding his hands and letting him play with my hair. Well, Christopher cried out for about 10 seconds and then all was well. No tears were shed. What a trooper! Anyway, I think we're all glad that appointment is over and we don't go back now until he is nine months old. Overall, he is in excellent health!
Height: 27 1/4 inches
Weight: 19.8 lbs.
Head Circumference: 17 1/4 inches
Our little man also got his first round of shots today. Because Mommy is picky about immunizations, Chris had to get four shots instead of just three. (There was a combo shot that had a vaccination that Chris is not going to get that would have made it three shots.) Anyway, I think the nurses were more nervous about giving him the four shots than I was! Each nurse took a leg and gave him two shots in each leg. Meanwhile, I was holding his hands and letting him play with my hair. Well, Christopher cried out for about 10 seconds and then all was well. No tears were shed. What a trooper! Anyway, I think we're all glad that appointment is over and we don't go back now until he is nine months old. Overall, he is in excellent health!
Monday, January 19, 2009

Today we took Christopher to his first Kindermusik class. It was so much fun! Kindermusik Village is a music and movement class for babies and toddlers. Kindermusik has different programs as the children get older, but this one was great. Usually we'll be going on Tuesdays, but since Chris was sick last week, we went to a make-up class today. And since Daddy was off from work, he got to enjoy the class with us. Christopher just loved his teacher, Miss Heather, and gave her lots of big smiles. (She is the third person in a week to call him "Smiley.") There were five other kiddos there, and Chris was one of the youngest. He was absolutely fascinated by the children who could crawl and walk around. We sang lots of songs, did some fun moving games where he got to sway and bounce and fly, and played with bells, shakers and a ball. Chris even got a chance to learn how to relax. Ha! That's funny, right? Christopher? Relax? We'll keep working on that. All in all we had a great time and we'll actually be going back tomorrow for our regularly scheduled class. Hopefully we'll get to meet some new friends for our little guy!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
By the way
Oh, by the way, Christopher is officially 6 months old today. Can you believe it? He's half a year! Daddy wants to know where the cake is.
Lazy Sunday
I can't say that Christopher slept as well last night as he did the night before (figures, since I wrote about how great those ten hours were on yesterday's blog) but he got some decent stretches in just the same. His tummy seemed to be bothering him a bit for whatever reason. Anyway, he made up for it today with a mega, man-size nap that, according to Brian, Grandpa Woglom would be proud of. We usually plan which mass we're going to go to around Christopher's Sunday nap schedule. (Good thing they have multiple masses to choose from!) I figured since he has been napping anywhere from 8 to 10 AM that the 11:30 mass would be perfect. Of course, Christopher had other plans. I put him down at 8 and left Daddy in charge while I went to the gym, thinking little CJ would still be asleep when I got back. Turns out he only slept 30 minutes so it was back to the drawing board. At 11, I put him down again, but this time in his car seat since we were still going to church whether he was sleeping or not. Well, our boy napped through the car ride to church, the entire mass, the car ride home, and Mommy and Daddy unloading dishes, doing laundry and working in the closet. In total the nap lasted 3 hours and 15 minutes! Chris was in a delightful mood when he awoke and was even happier when we watched a little of the football game downstairs. We haven't napped like our man, but Christopher's parents have been pretty lazy too (aside from our workouts today). And the weekend is only half over!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Raspberries on Weekends
It's funny but for some reason, Christopher only likes to make raspberries on weekends. It started the weekend before we came home for the holidays and it continues in full force today. Perhaps he likes to show off only when Daddy is around. Anyway, it's funny that he saves this talent only for Saturdays and Sundays... Way back in the early months of CJ's life, I was very hesitant to talk about any successful sleeping accomplishments by our little guy out of my fear that we would jinx ourselves, but that was many sleepless nights ago and my attitude has now changed. Please sit down if you are reading this standing up. Christopher J. Woglom slept for ten hours last night. No, you don't need to change the prescription in your glasses. I wrote TEN in that last sentence. He went to sleep at seven and got up at five. Yes 5 AM is a tad bit early, but we were all up with smiles after that superb night of sleep. We'll work on extending that 5 AM to a little later as we go. But one step at a time... We are enjoying a somewhat warmer day here in Kansas and we went to Men's Warehouse to have Chris fitted for a suit. Actually Daddy got fitted but Chris was eyeing some slick looking Kenneth Coles that he thought might impress the ladies. Other than that, little man has been hanging with his favorite lady, seen below. Check out Kasey's face in that picture. BTW, Kasey now has a fan club on Facebook. It's the "Kasey Rules" group. Check it out!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Mommy Runs on Dunkin'
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I Love Puppies!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Aunt Dabney!
I hope you are having a happy, snappy, and preppy birthday today! I wish I could be there in Brooklyn with you to celebrate, as I know you will be having a blast and I never like to miss a good party. Eat lots of yummy food, drink lots of those grown-up drinks you enjoy and treat yourself to something fun. I promise to sleep through the night, just because it is your birthday. I love my cool Aunt Dab!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Rubber duckie, you're the one
So Christopher received this rubber duckie set from Dad and Nancy for Christmas and as you can see, he is enjoying it thoroughly! It's so great now that he can sit up because I don't have to hold him in the tub with one hand and scrub him with the other. And now when we're done with the "business" aspect of the bath, we can then get down to the fun of playing with different toys. The other day, you were all introduced to the fat froggie but it appears that the ducks are now the toy du jour. When he was in the tub last night, he kept picking up the ducks and putting them in his mouth, as he does with just about everything he picks up these days. Then when he would have one in his mouth (see above) he would then try to pick up another and put that one in too. He would wonder why he couldn't fit both of them in at the same time and they would both take a plunge into the water. Anyway, bath time is definitely one of Christopher's favorite times of the day, mostly because he enjoys being naked so much! I hope that doesn't become a problem in the future...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Moment of Silence
Dearly beloved, we gather here to say good-bye... to my coffee maker. It lasted a good 3 1/2 years (boy they don't make things like they used to) but this morning it would brew no longer. This nearly brought tears to my eyes as this is the only way I am able to get Dunkin' Donuts coffee in Kansas without driving all the way to Lawrence. Since I am trying to avoid the fatty espresso drinks from Starbucks, you'd better believe I will be trekking to Target today to get the next generation of java makers. What happened to my machine you ask? The only thing I can think of is that Brian asked to have a cup yesterday morning to see if he could start drinking it daily. It was all downhill from there.
Mister Activity
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Le Fat Froggie
Saturday, January 3, 2009
In the beginning, more of the cereal ended up on his chin than in his mouth but pretty soon he got the idea of what he was supposed to do. I think he liked it because he kept reaching for the spoon and trying to get it to his mouth faster, but I also think there were times when the texture of the food was a little funky to him. We just started with a little today but as we go I'm hoping to eliminate the bottle for one of his feedings per day. We'll see how it goes. According to Daddy, the next step is going to be cookies, but I'm pretty sure we should wait at least another week or so for that!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
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