Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christopher's First Tree
Friday, November 28, 2008
Movin' on up
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Too much turkey...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Christopher's Thankful List
Inspired by his cousin cousin, Liz, and her fun "Sain Nation" blog, Christopher wanted me to help him compose his list of things he is thankful for as we are approaching his very first Thanksgiving. Here is his top ten list, in order, from most important on...
1. Kasey
2. Mommy and Daddy
3. My extended East Coast family
4. Milk
5. The ladies
6. Things to chew on
7. My new jogging stroller
8. Diapers
9. Bath time
10. Baseball
On this lovely day before Thanksgiving, we passed the time by going to the Parkside Cafe for a playdate with some older children and their mommies. Christopher had a conversation with a grandma who was visiting from St. Louis and was entralled by a brother and sister (maybe 2 and 3 years old) who were having a conversation with us that I am still trying to figure out. The older brother showed Christopher how to go down the slide and our little man got a chance 3 times too! (I wish I had my camera!). Chris then napped during our visit to Babies R Us and Sonic and then visited with our neighbor Dave (who was mowing his lawn--it's 54 degrees here) when we got home. Christopher also took his first bottle from Mommy today which was very sweet...We are looking forward to our holiday tomorrow with Dan, Mary and Tristan (and their puppies) and would like to wish everyone who reads our blog (and those who don't) a very happy Thanksgiving!
1. Kasey
2. Mommy and Daddy
3. My extended East Coast family
4. Milk
5. The ladies
6. Things to chew on
7. My new jogging stroller
8. Diapers
9. Bath time
10. Baseball
On this lovely day before Thanksgiving, we passed the time by going to the Parkside Cafe for a playdate with some older children and their mommies. Christopher had a conversation with a grandma who was visiting from St. Louis and was entralled by a brother and sister (maybe 2 and 3 years old) who were having a conversation with us that I am still trying to figure out. The older brother showed Christopher how to go down the slide and our little man got a chance 3 times too! (I wish I had my camera!). Chris then napped during our visit to Babies R Us and Sonic and then visited with our neighbor Dave (who was mowing his lawn--it's 54 degrees here) when we got home. Christopher also took his first bottle from Mommy today which was very sweet...We are looking forward to our holiday tomorrow with Dan, Mary and Tristan (and their puppies) and would like to wish everyone who reads our blog (and those who don't) a very happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 24, 2008
#1 Parents' Detective Agency
Being a parent sometimes reminds me of being a forensic scientist... you have to go through a mental list of clues and possibilities to nail down the answer to a "baby case." This is especially true when the baby in question has not yet mastered the English language. We all know that our dear Christopher has never really been a great sleeper. Many people will tell us that this is to be expected, considering the boy is only 4 months old. Well recently it seems as though Little Wogs has been waking up more frequently (gasp!) but with more frantic cries that seem to say "I'm really uncomfortable Mommy! Do something!" At first we thought our man was teething. While I still think this could be part of the problem, I also think that he has a bit of reflux that is just getting worse and worse. It's hard to say for sure so I took him to the doctor today to check. Dr. Kerry (one of the PA's) prescribed a reflux medicine so we are trying that tonight. In addition, we have Christopher's car seat in his crib where he is presently sleeping to keep him upright for a while. In addition (again!) we tried giving him rice cereal before bedtime. Hopefully one of these things will prove effective in keeping Chris full/comfortable/happy at least for a little while... Brief note: Mommy went shopping for her first pair of post-pregnancy jeans today. For someone who really doesn't like to shop to begin with, this started out being a bit depressing until I finally found something that fit at Banana Republic. I'm going to go ahead and think of these as my transition jeans until I train for my next marathon!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hail to the Victors
We set up a "children's playland" in the open space next to the family room downstairs for Tristan, Olivia and Christopher. Tristan is getting so big and he was having a blast rolling the exercise ball. At the same time, Olivia was having a great time on Christopher's tummy time mat. She is getting to be such a big girl!...
Christopher had a lovely time hosting all his friends and got a kick out of all the doggies. He especially enjoyed Oliver and tried to put Oliver's long, floppy ears in his mouth. Kasey got some practice of what is to come in the future as Tristan sat on her paws and climbed all over her. It was a great time with our great friends despite the loss and we look forward to a rematch next year.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Look at me, I can be center field
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Cow Says... Shazoooo
Today I had to put Christopher down next to me so I could have my hands free to open a package that came from UPS. I decided that he could do a little tummy time so I put him on a blanket and decided to bring in a toy for him to look at and play with. The toy was a foam cow given to Brian at work from someone at UBS a while back. The cow can be seen below...
Well, there is a button on the utter of the cow and if you press it, the cow says "moo." So I thought Christopher would find this very interesting. I pressed the button and he looked at the cow...looked at me...looked back at the cow...and started hysterically crying. I thought perhaps he was upset because he was in tummy time. He has been getting fussy while on his tummy recently because he is constantly trying to get his hands in his mouth and cannot figure out how to do that and hold himself up at the same time. Next I put him in his Bumbo seat and continued what I was doing. The cow was on his blanket and Christopher was looking at it and smiling. "Great!" I thought. He must like the cow now that he is sitting up. I decided to give the "mooing" another try. The cow mooed... the baby smiled. The cow mooed again... the baby lost it and broke down crying again. I felt so bad! I guess we've found the first thing Christopher is afraid of. Our boy needed to cool down so we bundled up and went for a walk in the jogging stroller. We had to use the all weather sheild because it's freezing and Chris was quite warm. Upon our return, he went down for a nap. As I was putting him down, I look into our bedroom and there is Kasey attacking the cow! As you can see from this picture, she was only trying to protect her little brother from the evil bovine...
The cow met an awful fate as Kasey decided to rearrange its face and then work on its backside. That was all before Mommy intervened and told Kasey she was a good girl but that the cow had enough. I suppose this is what you get for messing with Christopher...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Beefcake update
Yesterday was Christopher's 4 month well child appointment. The last time we visited the doctor was on Halloween because we thought our boy had a little bit of a cold. When they weighed him then, he was 15 pounds, 2 ounces. So in a month he had only put on about a pound. We figured he is finally starting to level off a bit in the weight department. Needless to say, I wasn't expecting much more weight gain at this appointment... Well, our little beefcake proved me wrong again. Drum roll please... Christopher weighs 17 pounds! He has nearly doubled his birth weight at 4 months. He is also 26 inches long and his head is 16 3/4 inches around. (That must be due to his manly size brain!) The doctor also said Christopher seems to have strong abs (at least one of us does) so he wouldn't be surprised if little man sits up relatively early. Ah wouldn't that be nice! Christopher looks healthy and happy and the doctor remarked about how cute he is getting. It was a great visit!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fun with Grammy
Monday, November 17, 2008
Michelle, My Belle
So last night, Christopher requested that we watch the "60 Minutes" interview of Barack Obama so he could learn exactly what our new president has in store for the future of our country. We couldn't help but oblige our little man and so we put on CBS in between the football games. Chris was trying to convey his own economic plan to the president-elect via the television with many "goos" and "gaas." When he realized that the man on the television was not paying attention to his ideas, our boy became quite fussy and frustrated. But just as he was about to lose total patience, another person appeared on the screen and captured him immediately. When Michelle Obama joined her husband for the rest of the interview, Christopher seemed to fall instantly in love. He stopped his fussing and began to smile and coo at the new first lady. It was almost as if he was flirting with her through the television screen! When she disappeared from the screen, Chris went right back to his fussing, but as soon as she reappeared he calmed down and smiled at her again. She totally distracted him from his economic plans and when the interview was over, he went happily upstairs to take his nightly bath.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Little Kasey Moe
Yesterday, Christopher and I made a trip to the airport to pick up Grammy as she arrived from beautiful Newark, NJ. As she came off the plane, she was carrying a little furry friend for Christopher, as seen in the picture above. This little doggie is aptly named "Little Kasey Moe" and Grammy adopted her from Build-a-Bear. Apparently, you can record your voice on some of these stuffed animals so Grammy put a little message on Little K.M. so that Chris can hear her voice whenever you push the puppy's hand. Of course our little man is in love with this dog. Almost as much as the original Kasey (almost!)... Christopher has been having fun with his Grammy and impressing her with his drooling abilities. Here is a picture of them hanging out together...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Awww...He found his thumb
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
An update on the jogging stroller... Yesterday the rain cleared up enough for us to take the new stroller for a walk around the block. Let me tell you, I felt very cool pushing that thing with cute baby and cute dog in tow. The sun canopy is awesome and comes out far enough to keep the elements off Christopher, even without the weather shield. Good thing too because as we were walking it started misting a bit. Chris was fine. Kasey and Mommy, on the other hand, had to walk between the drops (as Grandpa used to say)... Speaking of Grandpa, some people are saying that Christopher resembles Grandpa Sain. I can definitely see that, but I would like other opinions if anyone cares to share them. To me Chris is such a good mix of certain family members that it is hard to say he looks like either Brian or me... It appears as though Christopher is teething. This is such a lovely experience for all involved (read sarcasm) but we are doing our best to make our little boy as comfortable as possible. Maybe his first tooth will arrive when Grammy does this weekend!... We have a postpartum doula who comes once a week to give me a break and she was here today. She and Chris hung out while I went for a run sans dog and child. I have to say I am starting to feel like my old self in the running department. I went on the neighborhood loop (3.4 miles) and did it in exactly thirty minutes. It was exhilirating! But I would like to know--why is it that on a route that is a perfect rectangle, the wind is always blowing in my face? I know I'm not running fast enought for that to happen. Why can't the wind always blow at my back? Oh well, I am happy to be complaining about these types of things again.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Mom's New Toy
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Mommy's new toy arrived in the mail not three days after she ordered it! That's right, the jogging stroller is here. Just in time for... winter. Actually, I thought ahead on that one and ordered an all-weather shield for the stroller too. Christopher is not afraid to tackle the elements and we are both prepared to do so. The stroller you're looking at above is the Kelty Speedster Deluxe and compared to our everyday stroller it is definitely speedier. Well, it at least looks that way. We haven't actually tested it out yet. I did test Christopher in the stroller and as soon as I put him in it, he started cracking up. Hopefully he'll feel the same way when we actually use it. Especially for all those long runs! We (well at least Mommy) is so excited to try out the stroller and might even do it this weekend when Grammy comes to visit. Here are some more pics of our happy boy in his new jogger...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Man in the Mirror
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Not forgotten
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Is it really November? I mean, it's been at least 70 degrees outside here in Kansas for a week now! Here is Christopher yesterday out in the backyard on his tummy time mat. It was so nice that we stayed outside for a couple hours just hanging in the fresh air. I know it's going to start getting cold soon but I'll take this weather while I can... Today Christopher and I went to a baby playgroup with our mom's group. There were only two other moms there but, small world, the hostess was from New Jersey and the other mom had taken Bradley classes with our same teacher. So needless to say we all had a lot to talk about! Chris had fun watching the older baby who was there and tried to get in on the conversation with the moms. It was definitely a nice outing for him!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
"I Voted"
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Run, run, run
Saturday, November 1, 2008
At the pet store

Today was Christopher's first trip to the pet store. We went over to Petland so Brian could get some new fish since his really mean algae eater has been feasting on many of the fish in the big tank. I have to admit, I felt a little guilty leaving Kasey home for this trip but we just don't have enough hands for both baby and dog! Chris was still awake when we got to the store so I just carried him in. While Daddy was browsing the fish section, Christopher and I headed straight for the puppies. Now let me tell you, I feel awful for those pet store puppies who are confined to those tiny cages with metal wire flooring. Today, however, they served the important purpose of entertaining our baby. There was one dog in particular--a French Bulldog--who captured our little guy's attention right away. He was chewing on plastic keys (the dog, not the baby) and Chris just thought this was the funniest thing. He started smiling and laughing at the little frenchie. I'm pretty sure we have a dog-loving child on our hands because he seemed to care less about the kittens we saw (sorry Otis). Next we moved onto the fish section where Chris was introduced to an activity his dad has enjoyed since childhood... going to Petland to check out the fish! All of the excitement there put him right to sleep in my arms. It was a lovely outing for our man.
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